

Bergen ima najbolj stanovitno vreme na Norveškem. Trdijo, da kar 275 dni na leto dežuje. O ostalih dneh ne govorijo. Verjetno sneži. Tudi danes se vreme ni izneverilo.
Bergen has the most stable weather in Norway. They say it rains 275 days a year. About the other days they do not tell. It is probably snowing. Even today, the weather did not fail.

Slapovi, Slapovi

Počasi rinemo proti severu. Kamorkoli pogledaš jezera in slapovi. Skoraj vsako pobočje premore svojega. Ob stalnem dežju, ki nas spremlja mi je jasno, da voda nekam mora odteči.
Slowly we are advancing north. Everywhere you look there are lakes and waterfalls. Almost every slope has its own. At constant rain that accompanies us, it is clear to me that the water must drain somewhere.



Norveška je pokazala še en svoj čar. Meglo. Namenili smo se na goro Kjerag na sky diving. No, megla, kot je poznamo v najhujših zimah, nam je prekrižala pot. Ostal nam je le spust nazaj v zatrep fjorda Lysebotn.
Norway has revealed yet another of its charms. Fog. We aimed to Mount Kjerag for sky diving. Fog, as known from the worst winters I know, stopped us. The only option we had was descent beck to the village Lysebotn at the end of Lysefjorden.



Mir, samota to je Norveška.

Peace and solitude that is Norway

Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Nemška romantična cesta. Dež in naš letošnji cilj Norveška. Po prevoženih prvih 2000 km, ko smo končno v Stavangerju, smo samo utrujeni. Uživanje, vsaj tako upam, se bo začelo, ko se pošteno naspimo.

German romantic road. Rain and our goal this year Norway. After we passed the first 2000 km and arriving to Stavanger we are just tired. We hope that we will start to enjoy our trip as soon as we rest a little bit.