Nekaj kilometrov stran od Andenesa se začne podvodni kanjon, kjer se hranijo samci kitov glavačev. Samice, kot vse ženske, imajo rajši toplejše kraje. Te, do 20 metrov velike pošasti, se hranijo z orjaškimi lignji, ki prebivajo na dnu kanjona. Vsako uro se morajo kiti iz velikih globin dvigniti na površje, da zajamejo zrak in tam smo jih čakali mi.
A few kilometers away from Andenes there is underwater canyon where the male sperm whales feed. Females, as all women, prefer warmer places. These, up to 20 meters long monsters, feed with giant squids, which live at the bottom of the canyon. Every hour whale must come to the surface to breathe and there we were, waiting for him.