Polnoč, a še vedno dan. Najsevernejša točka Evrope, kjer v juliju sonce sploh ne zaide. Sedaj v avgustu se sicer skrije za obzorje za nekaj minut, a se ne znoči. Že nekaj minut po polnoči pa se vrne tja, kjer mora biti v polarnem poletju. Kako je pozimi, ko sonce sploh ne prileze na plano, si lahko samo mislite.
Midnight, but still day. The northernmost point of Europe, where in July the sun never sets. Now in August, the sun hides behind the horizon for a few minutes, but the sky doesn't darken. Some minutes after midnight it returns to where it should be during the polar summer. How is it during the long polar winter when the sun never climbs over horizon, you can just imagine.