Laponska je za nami, gozdovi Finske in božičkovo domovanje prav tako. Končno smo prevozili širjave severne Švedske. Pa smo tu, na otokih Stockholma. Temperatura se je dvignila tja na 27 stopinj. Voda je primerna za kopanje. Občutek imamo, kot da smo nekje na Jadranu. Sprehajamo se po starem mestu. Vsepovsod fotografije, krožnički, pepelniki s podobo ravno poročene princese. Občutek imaš, da si del Andersenove pravljice. In ker je ravno 13. avgust, dan ko so nekoč Švedi pred Stockholmom ustavili Ruse, je tu tudi kraljeva konjenica.
Lapland is behind us, as well as forests of Finland and home of Santa Claus. We passed vast plains of northern Sweden. And now we are here on islands of Stockholm archipelago. The temperature has rosen to pleasant 27 degrees C. Water is suitable for swimming. It seems as if we are somewhere in the Adriatic. We are strolling through the old town. Everywhere tiny plates, photos, ashtrays with the image of newly-wedded princess. I have a feeling as if I am a part of Andersen fairy tale. And because it is 13th August, the day when long time ago, Russians were stopped at the doors of Stockholm, there is also the king's cavalry.