

Laponska je za nami, gozdovi Finske in božičkovo domovanje prav tako. Končno smo prevozili širjave severne Švedske. Pa smo tu, na otokih Stockholma. Temperatura se je dvignila tja na 27 stopinj. Voda je primerna za kopanje. Občutek imamo, kot da smo nekje na Jadranu. Sprehajamo se po starem mestu. Vsepovsod fotografije, krožnički, pepelniki s podobo ravno poročene princese. Občutek imaš, da si del Andersenove pravljice. In ker je ravno 13. avgust, dan ko so nekoč Švedi pred Stockholmom ustavili Ruse, je tu tudi kraljeva konjenica.
Lapland is behind us, as well as forests of Finland and home of Santa Claus. We passed vast plains of northern Sweden. And now we are here on islands of Stockholm archipelago. The temperature has rosen to pleasant 27 degrees C. Water is suitable for swimming. It seems as if we are somewhere in the Adriatic. We are strolling through the old town. Everywhere tiny plates, photos, ashtrays with the image of newly-wedded princess. I have a feeling as if I am a part of Andersen fairy tale. And because it is 13th August, the day when long time ago, Russians were stopped at the doors of Stockholm, there is also the king's cavalry.

Safari na Nordkappu

Ptičji rezervat na Nordkappu je paša za fotografe. Na ladji si ogledujemo kdo ima daljšega. Fotografski objektiv, se razume. Vidi se, da spadamo v različne plačilne razrede. Nekateri imajo okrog vratu obešeno pravo premoženje. Kilometer od pristanišča smo že na otokih, kjer čez poletje njorke in drugi ptiči vzgajajo svoje mlade. Plenilci jih čakajo le korak stran.
North Cape bird sanctuary is promised land for photographers. Kilometer from the port and we are at the nesting grounds of puffins and other birds which are raising their youngs here. Their predators are just step away.



Polnoč, a še vedno dan. Najsevernejša točka Evrope, kjer v juliju sonce sploh ne zaide. Sedaj v avgustu se sicer skrije za obzorje za nekaj minut, a se ne znoči. Že nekaj minut po polnoči pa se vrne tja, kjer mora biti v polarnem poletju. Kako je pozimi, ko sonce sploh ne prileze na plano, si lahko samo mislite.
Midnight, but still day. The northernmost point of Europe, where in July the sun never sets. Now in August, the sun hides behind the horizon for a few minutes, but the sky doesn't darken. Some minutes after midnight it returns to where it should be during the polar summer. How is it during the long polar winter when the sun never climbs over horizon, you can just imagine.

Dežela kot z razglednice

Vztrajno se pomikamo proti najsevernejši točki Evrope Nordkappu. Pokrajina je nekaj trenutkov obsijana s soncem, potem postane zamolklo siva. Vsak trenutek je drugačna, popolnoma nepredvidljiva. Odpravimo se v dežju. Čez nekaj trenutkov je podoba taka.
We move steadily towards the northernmost point of Europe North Cape. The weather is completely unpredictable. We depart in the rain. In some minutes the landscape is like you see on the picture.


Norveška je neznansko dolga država. Od doma smo prevozili že več kot 5000 km. Ceste, ki so vzorno vzdrževane, so včasih prava tehnična čuda. Tuneli skozi masive in pod morjem, mostovi z otoka na otok, serpentine čez pogorja in nenazadnje postavni Norvežani (na sliki), ki jih ne zanimajo načrti obiskovalcev te čudovite dežele.
Norway is a country of enormous length. We are now more than 5000 km from home. Roads here are maintained exemplary, and are sometimes little technical wonders. Tunnels through massives and under the sea, bridges hopping from island to island, serpentines over ridges and finally handsome Norwegians (on photo), making the voyage even longer.

Kiti glavači

Nekaj kilometrov stran od Andenesa se začne podvodni kanjon, kjer se hranijo samci kitov glavačev. Samice, kot vse ženske, imajo rajši toplejše kraje. Te, do 20 metrov velike pošasti, se hranijo z orjaškimi lignji, ki prebivajo na dnu kanjona. Vsako uro se morajo kiti iz velikih globin dvigniti na površje, da zajamejo zrak in tam smo jih čakali mi.
A few kilometers away from Andenes there is underwater canyon where the male sperm whales feed. Females, as all women, prefer warmer places. These, up to 20 meters long monsters, feed with giant squids, which live at the bottom of the canyon. Every hour whale must come to the surface to breathe and there we were, waiting for him.


Norveška je draga. Občutek imaš, da s cenami nimajo mere. Vendar obstajajo tudi ugodne možnosti. Kampiraš lahko kjerkoli, ovira je le dež, ki ima tu mlade. Koče, ki smo jih najemali mi, imajo koharček, hladilnik in običajno čudovit razgled. S hrano v prtljažniku ugodna kombinacija. Naša kočica v vasici A za 50 eurov.
Life in Norway is expensive. You might get an impression that they exaggerate with prices. However, there are also good options. You may camp for free almost anywhere, the only obstacle is the rain, which has its youngsters here. And there is an option we took, cabins for rent, where you have stove, refrigerator and usually a beautiful view. Our cabin in the village with the shortest name I ever met A for 50 euros.


Končno se nam sonce smeje na vse pretege. Nastanili smo se v vasici, ki se imenuje A. Čudovite peščene plaže kar vabijo. Ko pa si v vodi pa ena sama bolečina. Najbrž bi morali kakšen teden prej trenirati v Soči.
Finally, the sun in abondance. We settled in the village, called A. Beautiful sandy beaches invited us. But when I was in water there was only one feeling, pain.


Vsak dan smo bolj na severu. Prečili smo polarni krog, črto, kjer se vsaj enkrat na leto dan sploh ne konča.
We passed the polar circle, line on the globe where at least once a year there is no night.



Še zadnji spust po serpentinah trollov in pokrajina se dokončno spremeni.
Only to pass this curves and the landscape will finally change.

Geiranger fjord

Počasi zapuščamo deželo fjordov in se pomikamo proti severu. Dežela se počasi spreminja. Danes smo srečali tudi prvega losa.
We are leaving the land of fjords and moving to the north. Landscape is slowly changing. Today we also met the first moose.



Med vsemi deževnimi dnevi so trenutki, ko ti zastane dih. Za valovi dežja se odpre nebo in pokrajina se spremeni v molitev. Gledaš, se čudiš, in to je to.
Between all the rainy days wich passed there are moments, which you can describe as breathtaking. After waves of rain, the skies opens and countryside changes into prayer. You watch and you are amazed and that is all you need.